Sunday, September 23, 2007

中秋节 ♦ Mid-Autumn Festival

Every year 15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese calendar, is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival. The moon of this night is the roundest and brightest full moon. While people watch the shining moon in the sky, will think of their family and want to get together with them, exspecially for those who studying or working overseas. Therefore, it's also known as "Reunion Festival".

There are 4 legends for Mid-Autumn:

Chang'e (mythology)

There are few versions, roughly the same is something about her husband, Houyi the Archer has shot down 9 Suns and left one in the sky. And because of some reasons (the reasons varies by versions), she ate a magic pill and flew to the Moon. Please click here for detail.

WuGang cutting Sweet Osmanthus tree

WuGang was punished by the God for some reason to cut the Sweet Osmanthus tree on the Moon, immortal Moon Sweet Osmanthus tree will regrow after cutting. WuGang has to cut the tree forever without rest.

Jade Rabbit blending Herbs

The legend says that there is a rabbit lives on the Moon, the whole body is white like a jade, so it's also called "Jade Rabbit". This rabbit use a jade stick, kneel down and blend the herbs to magic pill, after eating this pill may become angel. For detail please click here.

Zhu YuanZhang and Moon Cake Rebelling

Zhu YuanZhang rebell the Mongolian rulers of China in the Yuan dynasty, his advisor Liu BoWen gave an idea to pass the message by putting a notes "15th of August kill the Mongolians" in the moon cake. Sucessfully overthor the Yuan dynasty. For further information please click here.

Anything to do during Mid-Autumn Festival?

Enjoy the moon light

The moon of the Mid-Autumn is specially round. Normally we will enjoy the moon light in the garden together with our family, and chit chat.


light up the candles, carry lantern, walking on the street. Primary school art teacher will then teach the student to DIY their own lantern. Please click here.

Moon Cake

Mid-Autumn festival eating Moon cake, and eating Dumbling during Duanwu Festival, eating TangYuan during Yuan Xiao festival are the same, they are the chinese tradition all over the world.

Related song:


明月几时有 把酒问青天
不知天上宫阙 今夕是何年
我欲乘风归去 唯恐琼楼玉宇 高处不胜寒
起舞弄清影 何似在人间
转朱阁閣 低绮户 照无眠
不应有恨 何事长向別时圆
人有悲欢离合 月有阴晴圆缺 此事古难全
但愿人长久 千里共婵娟


月亮圆 月亮圆 月亮照在我的家
沒有春夏秋冬的家 流传千年
现在的孩子不相信 月亮有小白兔
功课与电脑 使他們不再听古老的神话
当高楼大厦 遮档了古老的月亮
就趁这个季节 让你的孩子知道
古老的神话 源自何方

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